Invited Speakers
May 26, 2023 | Check Your Presenting Schedule!
Jan. 19, 2023 | Holiday Leave Notice – Lunar New Year 2023.
Jul. 31, 2022 | Call for Abstract
Nov. 9, 2022 | Abstract Submission Extended!
Welcome Message
Dear members, colleagues, and friends:
On behalf of the 10th Asian Pig Veterinary Society (APVS) Organizing Committee, I am pleased to announce that the 10th APVS Congress will take place from 30th July to 2nd Aug 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan ROC. I look forward to welcoming you in person and also online.
The Congress was initially scheduled in 2021 but had been postponed because of the pandemic. Now the COVID restrictions are easing, the APVS 2023 will take place successfully with my confidence. I look forward to welcoming you in person or online.
Pig health and production management are facing new threats and challenges in the post-COVID era, particularly in Asia. International dialogues on related veterinary approaches are essential to forming new and innovative attempts for producers and veterinarians.
APVS 2023 will include four topics:
1. Transboundary Diseases
2. Viral Diseases
3. Bacterial and Other Infectious Diseases
4. Nutrition, Animal Welfare
Oral and poster presentations are all welcome and will be given in person or virtually.
Taipei is a modern cosmopolitan city with a well-developed infrastructure. Subways, railways, and high-speed trains are convenient to access. The town is famous for museums as well known for friendly people and exquisite foods. The Congress will be held at Taipei International Convention Center, and your participation and contribution will be highly appreciated, and I trust you will have a wonderful stay.
Looking forward and Best Wishes.
Ming-Tang Chiou DVM, PhD.
President, APVS 2023 Organizing Committee
Professor, Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Important Dates